Some little bits of beauty for the week

Contrary to popular opinion, I have not forgotten that I have a blog.

However it is quite true that I've been stuck for what to put on it.

So I decided to go with the obvious solution for today: steal from dead people. Here are some bits of loveliness that have made my Monday morning a little brighter:


"There are two kinds of people: 
those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' 
and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'"
-C. S. Lewis


The Small Kartoffelschlerin, by Albert Anker


Little Things Mean a Lot, by Kitty Kallen (It just makes me happy.)

I hope your week is beautiful and full of lovely little things.


  1. Thank you for making my day! I'm tearing up with "Little Things Mean a Lot"! Great song AND great CS Lewis quote!

  2. Lewis is so funny (and so very quotable)! Thank you for these sweet beauties.

  3. Great quote. The vintage photos are so fun. I've been away from my blog too. Life can get busy.

  4. Wise words from CS Lews, I adore The Small Kartoffelschlerin, and that song is just lovely :)

  5. That painting looks SO much like my daughter!

    Wishing you a beautiful week too, my friend.

  6. Great quote, and the painting and the song are beautiful!

    I've been totally neglecting my blog, but I've been busy with writing, family, work, etc. Sometimes life gets in the way. :)

  7. Thank you all for stopping by and making me feel better about my blog neglect. :)

  8. Stealing from dead people: ha ha! Love the quote from C.S. Lewis. And no need to apologize for neglecting the blog when you have a beautiful family who demands your time and attention.

  9. I think we all run into times when we can't think what to post. But there's no shortage of quotable people out there, and Lewis is one of the best.


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