"Piles and piles of books"

"Mama, I wish we had piles and piles of books in our house. So many books that they didn't fit on the shelves. Big piles of books. And little piles of books. And medium piles. And giant, enormous piles that look like they're going to fall over! Why can't we have that many books, Mama?"
-Lucy, age 6

Apparently the dozen bookcases are not satisfactory. But I know how she feels.


  1. A girl after my own heart!

    I need more bookcases. Mine are overflowing.

  2. "The Great Library of Alexandria wasn't built in a day, sweetie, and ours won't be either," is probably what I'd say.

    BTW, I have an award for you on my blog.

  3. Too cute! I can't wait until my own little guy says adorable things like that. Right now he likes to say 'I want. Car! and Where'd it do(go)?'.

  4. Lucy, sweetie, I did have those piles ... and I gave them away. It is also nice to see the floor and to dance :) May God grant you all the desires of your heart.

  5. Nancy Hough quote: "Of course we have air conditioning. You can't have this many books and not have air conditioning."

  6. What a sweetie! We need more bookshelves in our house :)


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