Getting Ready for WriteOnCon

In only four short days, WriteOnCon--the amazing, free, star-studded online conference for writers--begins. So I’ve been making a to-do list and checking off items one by one:

1. Polish first chapter of ms
2. Perfect query
3. Tweak one-line pitch
4. Print lots of coloring pages for the girls
5. Fill up their sippy cups and snack bowls in advance
6. Stock up on tea and cookies...or maybe something more healthful...for my own sustenance.
7. Prepare and freeze meals for two days that can be dropped into the crockpot
8. Do finger stretching exercises to prepare for critiquing

This is basically what I did last year. :) The coloring pages actually went mostly uncolored as the girls thought watching the video presentations on my laptop a great novelty. If I’m not determined, they’re going to learn all the secrets and have a book published before I do. :)

So what are you doing to get ready?


  1. You're very organized ... and I'm sure Lucy is going to pick up even more this year :)

    I've put a feed on it, so I can read transcripts. No live-chat for me.

    Stellar faculty list. I've got my eyes on a few.

  2. I can only "attend" for part of the second day, so I'll probably mostly be reading transcripts. I do intend to post stuff and do critiques, though.

  3. Sounds like you're very prepared. I'm impressed! I especially love the tea and cookies preparation. That sounds like my fuel for survival, too. And a Dr. Pepper in the afternoon. ha ha! Have a great time!

  4. Have fun, Faith! And go get 'em! Hugs from one of the Granbys ... the North one!


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