
I've been writing and re-writing my current WIP and I am so close to finishing. By the time I finish my "first drafts," I've redone so many scenes and re-started so many times that even though I call it my first-and-a-half draft, it really equates to writing about 200,000 words and cutting 140,000 of them. This time around, there have been four or five first chapters, almost as many seconds...two days ago I wrote the climax, and this morning I cut it, brainstormed, and wrote it again.
I still have plenty of editing ahead of me--carefully planned out in my full-to-bursting notebook, complete with reminders like: "Find boring sentences. Make them interesting or beautiful or cut them," or, "Double check historical details and timeline," or, "Put in more food!"
But that's a job for next week. Today, I'm just enjoying feeling like this:


Yes, it is possible to feel like a row of bright orange exclamation points. I only wish I could make the font bigger.

I'll tell you a little more about the story soon.
For now, back to work. 


  1. Okay, I know exactly how you feel ... so enjoy this moment. Finishing a draft (any number) is a HUGE accomplishment. You who have actually finished novels and submitted them know the drill ...

  2. Oh, I love the part about adding more food. :)

    Yes, enjoy this moment!

  3. Hahaha! I love the exclamation marks!

    I love that heady feeling, of being in love with the writing and letting it just wash over you. It more than makes up for those bad days when your self-doubt takes over.


  4. Vijaya, Marcia, and Melissa: Thank you! I have been enjoying it, immensely. It's not quite as euphoric as the first book I "finished" because I know what's still ahead of me, but still thrilling. :)


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