Heroes for February: Corrie ten Boom and Margaret Clitherow

Today I'd like to introduce you to two of my heroes who have influenced not the way I write, but the way I try to live. Though divided by countries and centuries, they have a lot in common...

You may be familiar with Corrie ten Boom, the author of The Hiding Place. During the Nazi occupation of Holland, she and her family harbored Jews in a secret room in their home—saving the Jews, but landing themselves in prison. Ever since I first read her story, I've been amazed by this woman's courage, faith and ability to face trial with a sense of humor. It forces you to rethink the way you live, where you place your priorities...and to remember to smile even when the world is in a shambles.

And speaking of “shambles,” that word originally referred to a street in Yorkshire, England, where the madly arranged Tudor buildings create a picturesque disarray. This street was the home of my other hero for today, Margaret Clitherow. In the reign of Elizabeth I, when any Roman Catholics who tried to practice their religion were executed, Margaret hid priests in a secret room in her home. Even before this was discovered, she had been arrested several times for failure to attend the Church of England services, and had used her time in solitary confinement to teach herself how to read and study. When it was discovered, she was sentenced to one of the worst deaths allowable by law: being slowly crushed under a door weighted down with hundred of pounds of rocks. While she was being led out to her death, she made her fellow prisoners laugh by making shadow pictures of gallows on the cell wall. That's what I call putting things in perspective.

The lessons both these women taught me: Be fearless in protecting the persecuted. And remember to smile.


  1. Fear not! The first year that I read the entire Bible (2 yrs ago) it is this command that leapt out at me almost every day. Never mind that every time I pick up the Bible I end up hearing something that I need to hear! Truly it's the Living Word of God. And we say that how come God doesn't speak nowadays ... LOL. If we'd only listen. But I digress ... Thank you for sharing these heroes. I had only read a snippet about Margaret, so I'm glad to know more, especially about her sense of humor.

    1. She is amazing... (Though I might be a little prejudices as she is my confirmation saint...:) There's a lot of good info online, if you're interested in learning more.

  2. I love that thought! I've always tried to live life with a smile, and I admire others who do it in the face of such odds. Amazing stories!

    1. I can tell you live life with a smile! You so often brighten the blogosphere with yours. :)

  3. Corrie ten Boom has been one of my heroes for many years, too. What brave women!

  4. Corrie is beyond amazing. I'd never heard of Margaret. What an interesting blog series this will be!

    1. I hope so, Marcia! I do love to ramble on about people who inspire me. :)

  5. I love the story about Corrie's sister and the lice...she saw the pests as a blessing b/c the guards left them alone. I'll never forget that perspective.

    1. That is one of my favorites, too! I try to keep it in mind when small pestering things are driving me crazy...


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