Writers' Eyes

Another source of writers' block that hits me from time to time is what I like to call "You've been staring at the blasted computer for way too darn long," or "Writers' Eyes."

You know this is the problem when the letters start blending into one another and their negative images appear on your blank walls. Your thoughts start blending into each other as well, and you can't remember what you just wrote, let alone what you're going to write next.
Solution: Take a break. (Bet you didn't see that coming...:) Any break will help, but I have three favorites:
  1. Dance Party! Pull out the CD player, invite children into living room, and put on some show tunes. Laugh at their crazy dancing...until you realize that they are not so much dancing as laughing so hard at your dancing that no sound is even coming out.
  2. Play the piano. Research has shown that engaging in activities which require you to cross your arms from one side of the body to the other helps re-connect your left and right brains. (It sounded a lot more technical in the study I read.) So playing piano, or dancing, now that I think of it, are ideal cures for brain freeze.

  3. After that, have a go at writing in a notebook or on a pad instead of on the computer. This wakes up the other side of your brain, too, and it's easy to copy onto the computer later.

    What's your favorite cure for Writers' Eyes?


  1. I like to draw when I've got 'writer eyes'. It's funny that my two favorite things involve staring at a blank sheet of paper and turning it into something artistic but oh well :) Have a great weekend!

  2. I never knew that bit about playing hte piano ... maybe I'll play more to make those connections.

    I get eye strain very quickly, so try to avoid it in the first place. Taking a nap for even 10-15 helps. So does a walk, or doing the dishes or laundry.

  3. And I forgot to say that when I have to write but can't use the computer, I love my trusty notebook and pen -- highly portable, lightweight and writing by hand keeps me more grounded.

  4. LOL. I love this. Yes, writers eyes is a good way to put it! Or readers eyes, because this happens when I read too! haha.

    I love going and playing with the kids. Getting outside and getting some air and just getting active for a while.

  5. Interesting about the piano. I'll have to try that!

    Re #1... maybe I could borrow your girls for a while?

  6. A walk, or for quicker can't-leave-the-computer breaks, I find that just closing my eyes for 10 seconds or so, several times, does help.

  7. Great! I love playing piano and dancing, so I'm excited to try this advice!! :)

    Thanks, Faith!



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