Important things to remember...

20 years from now, no one is going to care if your floors weren't swept every day or you got behind on your laundry.

But 20 years from now, your children will have been molded by the time you spent with them and by the kind of person they witnessed you becoming. 20 years from now, millions of souls could have been touched by the words you wrote or art you created—or a simple smile.

No one is going to name a patron saint of getting 21 perfect meals on the table each you can stop aiming for that position.
But there are children looking for a hero now. And the occasional bowl of cereal for dinner is just great with them.

Time is precious. Spend it wisely, then every so often you can afford to be frivolous.

And, lastly, for the record: everybody LOVES Mrs. Weasley's crazy house. Just sayin'...


  1. How very true, Faith. Last fall when I was horribly ill, my children ate cereal many mornings and evenings, the house was catty and we often ran out of fresh fruit and vegetables, but we all survived.

    Enjoy the time with your little ones. They grow up much too fast.

  2. *contented sigh* Thank you, Faith. I needed to be reminded about the floors thing. :)



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