Poetry Friday: Teething Baby

At three a.m., the baby wailing,
In your brain an icestorm hailing, 
Suddenly a thought breaks through the taste of hell.

And there amidst the headache pounding,
The screams your swollen brain surrounding,
A seed of story comes to you... and all is well.

But I'm still pretty tired, so that's all the post for today. Here's hoping that tooth doesn't take too long to break through, though apparently I get good ideas while pacing with a crying baby.


  1. Teeth already? Precocious little mite. :) Yes, isn't it true that a new story idea can improve almost anything?

  2. Oh, poor baby and poor you. That you can rhyme at a time like this makes me smile. Max got his first tooth when he was 3 mo old. I had no idea until he bit me. He got the next four on our camping trip. Alas, I had no good ideas ...

  3. Awww praying for you and Madeleine! Maybe you could write a fun kid story from a baby's perspective when teething... or maybe that would be a horror story ;)

  4. (With apologies to one of your favorite poets, Faith)

    I think that I shall never hear
    A babe who screams just like my dear

    I wish her hungry mouth was prest
    So quietly unto my breast

    My babe who looks at God all day
    And He at her, in their own way;

    A babe who may in summer wear
    a smile and dark curly hair;

    But right now: Oh! Fatigue and pain,
    My energy completely drained!

    Poems are made by fools, 'tis true...
    But please dear Lord,
    Let sleep come too.

  5. Love this :) I have a little one teething as well...her top teeth have been trying to burst through for a good two weeks and it's drool and clear snot and grumpiness galore.

  6. Can't believe the baby's teething already. My kids are grown up, so it's been a while, but I do remember the frustration. I also recall a teething ring that could be refrigerated and seemed to help a bit. Keep those story ideas flowing. Good for you!

  7. This is great. It's amazing how we get story ideas at the strangest times. I usually get mine in the middle of the night, and of course, always think I'll remember them in the morning. Nope.


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