Budding Ideas

The peach tree outside my window
is covered with buds that are tiny and tight
and about to burst.
But for now 
they bring a splash of pink
into a grey morning.

They remind me of the new ideas 
that swirl about my mind,
glowing rosy and wonderful,
but still lacking the sun and water
that will make them blossom.

But they've done their part--
the watering is up to me.

Happy fourth day of spring! 
Isn't every day more marvelous than the last?


  1. Oh man...beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing it and yes on each day more wonderful than the last!

  2. Lovely poem, Faith! This is a perfect analogy. I love this time of year! I'm so much more energized and productive when it's sunny and warm and the flowers are blooming and the trees are greening.

    Happy Spring, Faith!!

  3. Thanks, Laura and Deb. (Though I didn't really set out to write a poem so much as I just set the format to center because I thought it made my meager words look better that way... ;)
    I hope that spring is lovely wherever you are in the world!!

  4. Lovely, Faith!

    We're starting to get buds and hints of green on the trees. We woke up to snow yesterday, though. That was bizarre!

    I love how you compared our novels to blossoms. Beautiful analogy.

  5. WE don't have buds yet, but it won't be long - the crocuses are up! :)

  6. Awww! I love this! We even have more green shoots of grass now than brown. :)

  7. Spring is a marvelous time of year--I love all the signs of renewal. :)


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