6-year-old insights

Raising kids always keeps me thinking outside the box.

Plus there's this little competitive part of me that gets reminded to sharpen my skills every time I hear things like this from my 6-year-old:

"Mama, wouldn't it be nice if caramel apples grew on trees?"


"Wow, your pants are as wrinkly as an elephant's legs."

Also, it reminds me that maybe ironing should occasionally become a higher priority in my life. Hey, something's gotta go to the end of the list.


  1. Sounds like you're raising creative little geniuses!=)

    1. All I can say in response is that Lucy reminds me a LOT of you when you were little. So I won't say that I DOUBT she'll grow up to be much smarter than I.

  2. I wish I'd written down all the cool sayings like that my kids would come up with. Somehow on the path to adulthood that original way of looking at things seems to fade.

    1. I'm just glad you all are tolerant of my using my blog for that purpose occasionally. :) I do keep a journal that is more "cute things" than "important" things...I figure we'll remember the latter without the extra help, but it's awful how quickly our memories for the little, sweet things fade!

  3. Here's one from a little boy who discovered that humans beget humans, and cats beget cats: Mama, I'm mad at you for not being a cat.

    Ironing? What's that?

    1. That's so cute--and a little eerie, because Lucy asked me about a month ago, "Why didn't God make me a cat?"
      Ironing: the term used for what I do when I can no longer see over the pile of wrinkly clothes on top of my dryer. Also, the chore I justify never doing because of the grave risk of burning myself or my children. Who says it has anything to do with laziness??

  4. Hi, Faith!

    It's so fun to hear what goes on in kids' heads. Your six-year-old sounds adorable!

    By the way, I love in your bio how you say you strive to make your life a work of art, too. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Dawn! Yep, one very wrinkly work of art right now. Or maybe we could call it "textured." :)

  5. Ironing is overrated. I haven't ironed something in years. (I don't know whether to be proud of that fact or ashamed!)

    When my daughter was 4 or 5, she made a comment that I'll never forget. It was a cloudy day and she said, "Mom, the sun can't breathe!" So darn cute.

    1. That's adorable! Sounds like a picture book idea. :)

  6. Kids are so good at keeping us on our toes, aren't they? Their minds are so open and creative, and they haven't yet learned how they're "supposed" to think, so they just do it any way they please.


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