Sources of inspiration

 Thanks to everyone who had your fingers crossed for me last Wednesday as I read a chapter of THE WITHERING VINE for the Tassy Walden Awards ceremony. Surprisingly, I found that I wasn't nervous in the least, and (as far as I can tell) I didn't pronounce anything drastically wrong or anything like that. :) I think I actually like reading in public, at least to a public so supportive as everyone at Wednesday's gathering! I love having the chance to meet with other writers...between the Tassies and last weekend's NESCBWI conference, I've been on a bit of a writing high.

Which is lucky, because at 34 weeks pregnant, I can use every encouragement I can get to get me energized. I know I have six weeks left, but I'm ready for Baby to come already!

I want one of these....
Another encouragement was attending the Connecticut Renaissance Fair a couple weekends ago; there's nothing like browsing the wares of medieval clothing and hat and instrument vendors—and seeing swordplay and jousting reenactments—to refresh the Medieval world in my mind as I complete a few more “tweaks.” I hope the pictures inspire you, too!

"Robin Hood" was kind enough to stop robbing the rich long enough to pose with "Princess Lucy" :)
And I definitely need one of these...
There's nothing like the clang of steel against steel!


  1. How did I not know you were pregnant, Faith? How exciting.

    And I've always wanted to go to the Renaissance Fair. *sigh*

    Good job doing well at the reading. I'm not surprised. You're *meant* to be an author. :)


  2. Nothing like touching and feeling things when you write about them. Sensory details are soooo important. I'm just tickled with all the energy you have ... and it's a good thing too, because if I remember back, I was mighty sleepy once the baby arrived. Vijaya

  3. Hurray for the writing high! Those pics are awesome. Your little princess charming Robin Hood pic is so sweet. I haven't gone to a Renaissance Fair in years.


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