Opportunity is knocking...let me introduce you.

If I were to take a poll on what aspect of blogging most writers find most valuable, I have a hunch that the answer would lean overwhelmingly toward one answer: making connections. I've written about this in the past, and I was touched to see in comments how many writers, like me, valued the internet for the chance to become less isolated in an isolated vocation—to meet other writers, to share stories and ideas, to learn from each other, to find friends, to be a neighbor to someone even across the globe.

I'd like to introduce you today to Paula McLaughlin, a blogging friend of mine who also happens to be more of a literal neighbor to me: she lives only a few towns away in our lovely Connecticut, and our initial connection at a local SCBWI meeting has been strengthened by participating in an online critique group together, by having the chance to read multiple manuscripts by each other, and of course by keeping up by reading each other's blogs.

Paula has a brilliant idea to create even more chances to connect with fellow writers; she's launching a new blog feature, called “Writer Spotlight.” And guess who her first spotlight is going to be on? You guessed it... I'm already squinting with those bright lights in my eyes. :)

Now, listen carefully—this is where opportunity's knock comes in for you.

Paula wants to interview YOU—“you” meaning any serious, un-contracted YA or MG writer with a completed manuscript ready to submit (and I know there's a lot of you who read this blog). She wants you to have a chance to share a little bit of yourself and your writing with the world. If you'd like to have the spotlight shine on you for a bright moment of glory and infinite possibility, stop on over to Paula's blog to find out more.

In the meantime, meet Paula! She agreed to jumpstart this project by letting me interview her—in fact she agreed without even knowing the type of questions I was going to ask, which says something for her spunk... I can't wait for you to get to know each other—I know you have so much in common! :)

Q: Tell us a little about yourself; besides "writer", what are 5 words to describe you?

A: Mom, Wife, Only-child, Tree-lover, Coffe-a-holic (Starbucks Mocha to be specific)

Q: Tell us a little about one of your books; title, word count, and the color of your main character's eyes. :)

A: I am currently seeking representation for my 70,000 word YA paranormal thriller, UNTIL DEATH.

As for the eyes: Emma (my female main character) is drawn to the intensity of Jake's (the male main character) glass-green eyes and the way light crackles out from behind them.

Q: Could you share with us one of your favorite lines or paragraphs from your manuscript—or perhaps the first few lines or paragraphs?

A: I'm not sure I could pick one favorite line, but here is how UNTIL DEATH opens:

Jake -

Death is my shadow, my shade, my ever present twilight. It’s a starless sky crushed into a cloud of black shards that breathe and swarm and barb at my skin. Death weaves between my pores and clings like smoke. For me—there is no escape.

I roll my shoulders in an attempt to shake free from my shroud. The woman at the gas pump beside me says hello and looks up at the moonless sky. “Another storm's coming.” She rubs her hands together to keep warm.

“Yeah,” I mutter, careful to keep my head down. The lady has no clue how true her words are. I return the nozzle to the pump and head inside to pay.

C'mon, I think. Not her, she has a kid in the back. I know my plea is freaking pointless but I can't help but hope--maybe this time will be different.

Q: If your book had a soundtrack, what would be the first song?

A: This is a great question because I do have a different playlist depending on what I'm working on. I find it helps to get me into the right frame of mind. For UNTIL DEATH the first song in the sound track would be Breathe in Breathe Out, by Mat Kearney. I think I've listened to this song a gazillion times. I love the rawness in Mat's voice. Plus the lyrics are so fitting. Here are a few of my favorite lines:

If everyone.. goes away
I will stay
We push and pull,
and I fall down sometimes
I'm not letting go,
you hold the other line

Hold on hold tight
Make it through another night
Everyday there comes the sun with the dawn"

Q: When you were your main character's age, what did you plan on being "when you grew up"?

A: I wanted to be in the fashion world, maybe a designer, which if you saw what I wear now is laughable—or even what I wore then! Over-sized sweater, jeans, and comfy socks are my attire of choice these days. But interestingly one of the secondary characters in Until Death designs some pretty in your face clothes that I would never wear (then or now), but Emma, the main character, does because she's that good of a friend. :)

Q: If you had to spend the rest of your life on a desert island, what literary character would you take with you?

A: That's a tough one. My first thought would be Ron Weasley because I think he's funny and humor goes a long way. But Robinson Crusoe would be cool too, I'd love to live in a tree house.

Q: Who is your favorite literary-character crush? (Except you can't have Gilbert Blythe, because I have already claimed him. :)

A: Hmm, I'd say either Archer Cross from the Hex Hall novels because he knows how to kick-butt and I love his sarcasm. But I also LOVE-LOVE Peeta from the Hunger Games. Can I choose both?
(Note from Faith: I suppose having crushes on two fictional characters doesn't count as polygamy... Besides, I think Peeta got used to someone having ambivalent feelings about him--poor guy. :)
Thank you so much, Paula, for this interview, and for interviewing me and your spectacular plan to help us all connect!
Everyone, go over to her blog now, before the spots all fill up. :)


  1. The first lines from your YA novel are awesome, Paula. Great voice! And what a wonderful idea to spread some interview love to the as yet unpublished!! I'm going to head over to read your interview with Faith :)

  2. What a great way to give voice to some of those authors who are looking to gain exposure for their work! Can't wait to read your Writer Spotlight on Faith as well as future features.

    Also - LOVE the opening and blurb for UNTIL DEATH! The story really sounds fabulous!

  3. Thanks so much Kiki and Nandini for checking out my interview and for your comments on UNTIL DEATH.

    Faith, thank you for having me, I so appreciate it. xoxo

  4. Paula, you have grown so much as a writer since we had the pleasure of having you in our critique group. (Miss you and Faith!) Continue to love the work and success will certainly follow.

  5. Thanks for the support, Betsy.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a fun interview. I'm hooked. I want UNTIL DEATH to get published so I can read more! And thank you, Faith, for stopping by my blog today!

  8. Thanks Faith Pray. My fingers are as crossed as a twist-tie that UNTIL DEATH finds a home. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, too!

  9. Thanks to all of you for stopping by! I hope some of you are able to take advantage of Paula's feature!
    (And I have to add: I can't wait to see UNTIL DEATH on shelves either! I had the privelege of reading the ms, and it is VERY good.)

  10. Great interview! It's so nice when you hit it off with someone at a conference and then they live near you. :)

  11. Great interview. UNTIL DEATH sounds fascinating.


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