Happy 100th Anniversary! (And a new painting)

I'm arising from the last-month-of-pregnancy nesting haze (Yes, by the way, of course I needed to organize that cupboard again) to share Mark's newest painting, completed just in time for the 100th anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima.

Here is Santa Jacinta, the youngest ever canonized saint who was not a martyr (she was only 10 when she died). She lived a brief life of heroic virtue, was a visionary, and devoted her life to spreading the beautiful news that as bleak as the world seems (and is), prayer matters and makes a difference.

The painting is oil on linen, 18"x24" and is currently available for sale.

Santa Jacinta, by Mark Langdale Hough


  1. Faith, she's beautiful!!! Do you think a church or monastery will buy this?
    I've always loved the picture of the three children of Fatima, but esp. Jacinta with her hand on her hip.

    1. Yeah, Jacinta had some real sass. :) Unfortunately, all the photos taken of her were with the sun directly in her eyes, so she always appears to be scowling. Mark was hoping to present a gentler version here, hopefully without losing her intense personality.
      We certainly hope a church or monastery might buy this, or that an individual might be prompted to buy it for their church as a donation! (Of course that's how it always used to be, and many churches simply don't have the money for what can be seen as "extras". It's also just small enough for a home devotional image.

  2. Amazing! Mark has such talent. Before I clicked on this post and just saw a smidgeon of the painting, I thought it was a photograph. Truly beautiful!


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