A Conglomeration of Contest Posts

A Girl Writing, by Henriette Brown

We're getting to contest crunch time, New England!

The deadline for the Tassy Walden Award for New Voices in Children's Literature is February 1. If you live in Connecticut and are an unpublished writer or illustrator for children: ENTER.

The deadline for the PEN New England Susan Bloom Discovery Award is also February 1. If you live in New England and are an unpublished writer for children: ENTER.

(If you live in CT, enter both. You can thank me later. :)

Neither of these competition guarantee publication, but they've certainly been a stepping stone that has helped some amazing authors and illustrators get started. Over the coming month, I'm hoping to interview a few past winners of the "Tassy" so you can see what I mean.

In the meantime, I'm stealing from myself and re-posting a couple past entries about the benefits of entering contests. I hope they inspire you to send out those manuscripts!

Top 10 Reasons You Should Be Entering Writing Contests

Fear Unmasked (a speech Mark and I gave at a Tassy award ceremony a couple years ago)

And, hey, you guys: we really want you to succeed in these contests. If you're thinking of entering the Tassy and are worried about your entry meeting submission guidelines, shoot me off an email. I'm happy to help you out.


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