An abstract view of things

Here's a great game/exercise I learned in acting class which has done wonders with my characterization (on stage and on page).
It's called, "Character Abstracts". Here's how it works:
Think of your character--who they really are, not what they look like, sound like, etc. And ask yourself the following question:
"If my character was a ______ (drink, car, animal, song, fabric, building, musical instrument, pizza topping, place, and so on), which would they be?"
Keep in mind, you are not asking what they would like--for example, not what car would they drive or what beverage would they drink--but rather trying to get to the real essence of your character and discover what they are.
Here's a few examples, using my character Jenny:
If Jenny was a beverage, she would coffee. She's a little hard to get used to perhaps, a little brusque and bitter, but she is strong and invigorating and some people really love her. Maybe by the end of her story she'll have let some cream and sugar creep in.
If Jenny was a musical instrument, she would be...a flute. Bright and piercing and beautiful, though a little difficult to play at first.
If Jenny was an animal, she would be...a lynx. To be honest with you, I haven't completely figured this one out yet. It's just I saw a lynx at a zoo and it gave me the feeling of Jenny. Not how she looks or anything like that...just how she is.
I'd love to hear what your characters are! Join me in this little game in the comments!


  1. Intriguing exercise, Faith. If you were a color, which one would it be? What animal or musical instrument would you be?

    What color would you think your finished book would best be represented by? Interesting things to think about.

    You have a thought-provoking blog, Roland

  2. So like metaphors for aspects of a characters character? Interesting exercise! Lee would be a cougar because he goes on a vision quest and that is his spirit animal guide. For a beverage he would be Japanese Tea, known as Cha. For a musical instrument he would be a drum ... and I don't quite know why.


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