A little Advent

There is something so lovely about a time set apart for waiting. It's why I love the four weeks before Christmas...or the 40 days before Easter... and these next few weeks as we wait for the coming of our little one.

Technically, I have 5 1/2 weeks left until my due date; mentally, I am already there. Any thoughts that don't center on baby-baby-baby are being as firmly kicked by my brain as my ribs are being kicked by Baby itself.

Then there's book waiting: waiting to hear from readers, trying not to check email every hour to see if that one perfect agent has responded. (You know, I have a dreadful feeling that labor and a response from said perfect agent are going to come on exactly the same day. I literally sit awake at night worrying about this...)

All this waiting is hard work...but I have a feeling I'm going to miss it a little when it's over. There'll be different seasons of celebration to enjoy after--but you can never replace that tingly, excited/worried feeling, the sensation that leaves you staring at the clocks and calendars in astonishment as time seems to be going too fast and too slow at the same time.

The short version of all this is: I probably won't be too consistent in blogging for a bit. I'm going to aim for once a week--and perhaps my crazy brain will insist on making itself heard here more often. In the meantime, I have lots of preparing to do and waiting to enjoy!

(And, please, if you could say a few prayers that everything will go well these next few weeks, I'd appreciate it!)


  1. Praying for Mommy, Baby, and book! Time really flew by. I can't believe your little one will be here in just five weeks!

    1. I know...it has gone so quickly. Thank you for your prayers, Rachel! They have meant so much to me throughout all this pregnancy.

  2. Prayers to God for you, Baby, Mark and big sisters. Hugs to all of you. And Faith .. there IS an outside chance the perfect agent will respond during, say, transition — BUT the thing about God ...His timing will be perfect.

    1. Thank you! And you're quite right: God's timing is always not only perfect but surprisingly perfect. :)

  3. Prayers and positive thoughts are with you and baby, Faith! Wishing you well with baby AND book waiting!! :)

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  4. Will be praying! And blog when you can, we'll be here waiting- as we all know family comes first. And feeding small mouths, and vacuuming, and etc! ;)

    1. Thank you for understanding! I admit that usually writing comes before daily vacuuming, but lately my nesting instinct has been so strong that I'm vacuuming and scrubbing things like a crazy person. :)

  5. Will keep you and the family in my thoughts and prayers! Can't wait to hear about the arrival of your newest blessing!

    1. Thank you, Betsy! I hope we can get together soon--either before or after baby comes!

  6. Well, I knew a lady who got "the call" and gave birth to her 11th baby within the same week.

    God's timing will be perfect, my friend, and I am praying for a lovely nesting period with Mark and the girls, and a smooth and perfect delivery.

    1. Wow, that must have been quite an exciting week for your friend!!
      And thank you so much for all your prayers, Vijaya. Even though I am feeling stress regarding everything that needs to be done, I have felt overwhelmingly peaceful about this coming birth--and I feel sure all the prayers have much to do with that.

  7. ...And that maybe "certain things" won't coincide quite so exactly as you fear they will? :) What a precious time this is. Y'know -- Vijaya said it perfectly. That's my prayer, too.

    1. The funny thing is, as much as my 3 o'clock in the morning brain can imagine how frustrating that situation would be, wouldn't it make the best "getting an agent" story ever? ;) (And let's face it, I'd be so happy if I actually get a positive response from the agent that I wouldn't care how awkward the timing might seem!)
      Your prayers mean so much to me, Marcia--thank you.

  8. Wow, no need to apologize about inconsistent blogging. Shoot -- I've been out of the blogging loop for much too long. I'm just finding out about your pregnancy now!!!

    MUCH congratulations, piles of positive prayers, and the warmest of wishes to you, Mark, and the baby!!!!!!


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