
Showing posts from 2010

The Genealogy of Story


Highlights Foundation Conference and Scholarships

Being thankful for the bad things

Asking the right questions

"Why in the world would you want to write for children?"

Dear Artist

Socksquatch lives!

Author/Illustrator Interview with Frank W. Dormer (Or: SOCKSQUATCH will rock your socks!)

Free Fall Fridays


The Joys of Learning English (or, Whoever developed this language had a cruel sense of humor)

How my books develop (lately)

Filling in my literary gaps

A Book's Gestation

My WIP: I'll give you three hints

A scientific experiement (sort of) regarding The Hunger Games

And the research towers high

On God, Fate, and Metaphor

Editorial Anonymous' Identity Revealed!

An abstract view of things

A poem for Monday

New England Author Tour (NEAT) Part 2.3: Harriet Beecher Stowe

The Peacemaker (in honor of Independence Day)

Why Speech-to-text is (select "is"/delete) isn't always your friend

Another reason I love T. H. White

"Keep Moving Forward!"